E L T R O N   E L E C T R O N I C S
Dear friends,
On these pages we present some of the projects that we have completed in recent years, which we consider interesting enough for general public to read about. Most of them found their way into the market and they are commercially available. Others are still in experimental phases.
Yet some of the projects have been carried out in spare time in DIY fashion and they are destined to remain free to copy and use at anyone's will. Such are various gadgets of ours which don't require microcontrollers to run.
We have written these pages having in mind young people interested in electronics as a hobby and a potential professional occupation. Therefore we intentionally avoided oversaturating the pages with too much theory and mathematics. Readers are encouraged to first of all try to understand principles involved in designing and operating the devices - should they find them intriguing, only then should they immerse into details of construction and implementation.
We believe that most diligent readers will find ways of improving the designs that we have published. We firmly encourage them to do so and hope that they will write back to us with the good news.

Eltron team
designed by LP 2011