C O M M E R C I A  E L E C T R O N I C S
These are some of the devices that we sell for money. Unfortunately, untill someone figures out a better way of organising the world economy, not everything can be given off free of charge...
But hey! It's not that bad really. If all that we wanted is to topple up our pockets, we would strip down and start a reality TV show instead of twisting our brains with recursive algorithms. So basically, we are still on the same side. In order to make it easier for you to get some of these gadgets, we decided that there would be a few ways of doing it:
Not all options are available for all the projects. We will note the valid ones on their dedicated pages as soon as we catch up with the work required.
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Even if you are not interested in buying the hardware or firmware from us, it still might be well worth visiting the commercial pages as there are quite a few interesting ideas explained on them. Naturally, we could not give off all our industrial secrets but nevertheless inventive readers will find some clues of what actually ticks inside the little black box that does the job.
Feel free to send an e-mail should you have a question or a suggestion concerned with the projects presented here. We will put our best efforts into straightening the things up. If the idea turns out to be commercially interesting enough, it might even lead to the production of an entirely new gadget. A personal reward will be that you'll get one of the first production samples for free :)
designed by LP 2011